"An All-On-X Turned Me Into A New Person."
I had a lot of dental work done over the year as I’ve used to box – brace scars and correct some things like that. I had a lot of dental work done.
I was eating tacos and everything fell out within 3 days, right before Christmas. It looked really bad- I don’t know if you’re seeing the pictures- the before pictures. I was pretty nervous about coming to the dentist because who’d like to go to the dentist? Nervous about that, I tried to calm down and I went to another dentist, and like [inaudible] and they didn’t do implants. And one lady who was working there with that work for Doctor Morales, also, she was helping out there. They recommended I come to see Doctor Morales. I came down and right off the bat, I felt at ease with him.
They recommended I come to see Doctor Morales. I came down and right off the bat, I felt at ease with him.

Dr. Morales:
When Woodd showed up at the office, he was really apprehensive. He was scared about the treatment. He knows exactly what were his alternatives. The first thing that we do is have time with him to explain all the options and see which one is the more suitable for him.
He knew from the start- I mean, the knowledge that the man has, and how he put you at ease, is something that’s hard to explain. I don’t really care for people much and I don’t like to be around people but right off the bat, I liked him. Then it make me feel a bit bad about what happened, “Hey, I’ve seen worse,” he knows better obviously and it just went from there.
Dr. Morales:
He started asking questions. I can see he was more interested in towards the All-on-X. I explained to him what was going to be. time period and also step-by-step how the process is going to be.
It was over Christmas time, so I couldn’t come in at Christmas but right at the beginning of January, he started, took all the impressions, and had them bolted in. Even the temporaries were bolted in the same day. He didn’t really care for that. They didn’t like the look of that. They took them out and left the implants in and had another set of teeth made for me. I don’t even know if [inaudible] everybody to know this, I mean but where he went above and beyond.
That was on a Friday. On Saturday he had me at the lab for [inaudible] and then came here on Sunday morning to put them in. If that’s not dedication I don’t know what is. People treat you differently. So, I have to tell the ladies earlier in there and even when you address differently, it’s how you present yourself. People seem to be a little bit more friendly. It’s a hard world we’re living in right now and everything but you get to see somebody’s smile when they have a reason to smile and you smile back. You have a nice smile which puts everybody heartwarming. Because we don’t smile enough in this world that we got going on now. [inaudible] kind of thing we have.
Dr. Morales:
He became basically a [inaudible] type of person. He was laughing all the time. He was more confident. Also, he lost a lot of weight from the procedure which he was happy about it. His a lifestyle, you can see a more confident person and that’s really what not just for me but for all the things here.
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